We are deeply grateful for your generous donations of time, money and services. As our adoption fees do not cover our costs, we rely on the compassion and generosity of dog lovers to continue our vitally important work. All funds received are used solely for the health and welfare of our dogs. We have no paid staff and no overhead costs.
Looking for a creative way of saying “thank you” to a dog who is or was special in your life? A gift honouring your dog is a thoughtful way of showing how much your dog is loved. We would be happy to feature your dog on our website.

We will provide you with a Tax Receipt for income tax purposes for all donations of $20 or more.

Here is a Great Way to Support our Dogs
An account at “Return It” has been set up to help support Home at Last Dog Rescue.
“Return It” is a recycling company located throughout British Columbia. Here is their link https://www.return-it.ca.
It’s easy to make donations to Home At Last. Just put your empty drink containers in a clear plastic bag, attach a label, drop the bag in the appropriate area at “Return It” and the deposit will be credited to Home at Last Dog Rescue.
You can get the labels from the dispenser at the “Return It “ depot by entering this telephone number 604-866-2188, then enter the quantity of labels you need.

In-Kind Donations​​
Quality harnesses, collars, and leashes
Dog gates
Dog toys
Unopened dog food
Dog crates/beds
If you would like to make an in-kind donation please contact us.